WLR spreads unconditional kindness through music, fashion, and charity. When you buy World Love Revolution products, you will not only look good, but you will feel good too. You become part of a mission that battles poverty, hunger, and mental health challenges throughout the world. We direct 15% from all sales to this effort in honoring each other together by leaving evidence of a selfless, compassionate love that doesn't judge, but rather serves without condition.
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First World Love Revolution Song
The World Love Revolution "SOULSPEAK" energy symbol expresses the divine gift we are all offered through the circle stages of existence: life creation, discovery, enlightenment, and ascension.
The new, but ancient feel symbol represents the importance of a harmonious connection to a natural state of love simplicity with the Universe and all living things. This powerful energy has always been available within ourselves.
We are as one. The attainment of balance through an eternal cycle of love is manifested with the presence of unconditional kindness and gratitude. This is displayed in the patterns of 8. The chevrons represent the revolutionary spirit to unify all humankind of which will undeniably guide us to a place of serving each other, equipped with the most powerful force in the history of the known world and beyond: LOVE.